bernette b79

bernette b79
bernette 79
The b79 is the top of line model for bernette. It offers everything a creator needs – this two-in-one machine combines all the sewing functions of the b77 with the embroidery perks of the b70 DECO.
The b79 makes creating a unique and special handmade dress with delicate embroidered flower embellishments easy. Newbies, never fear, this machine is so simple to use, you’ll become the maker you’ve always wanted to be in no time. This attractively priced sewing and embroidery, computerised machine is perfect for everyone. It's incredibly easy to use, offers a wide range of functions and lets you be your most creative.
See below to watch an informative video on this machine
Free one-on-one lesson available for both the sewing machine and the embroidery unit
Warranty: 2 years mechanical, please click here for further details.
Multi-function knobs for quick operation
Extensive sewing and embroidery area
500 stitches and endless possibilities with Stich Designer
Dual feed for fast, even fabric feed
Programmable foot control with back-kick function
Embroidery module with 3 hoops and embroidery hoop detection
5-inch color touchscreen for easy navigation
2 BERNINA Toolbox software modules included